Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Medical Issues: Rickets

What is rickets?
Rickets is a bone problem that usually occurs in children. Rickets can make your child's bones hurt. The bones soften and can break easily.
What causes rickets?
Most cases of rickets are caused by a lack of vitamin D, but rickets can also be inherited. Children ages 6-24 months are at highest risk of rickets because their bones are growing very rapidly during this period.
How can the doctor tell if my child has rickets?
Your child will need a full physical exam. Blood tests and x-rays of the arms or legs can also help your doctor determine if your child has rickets.
How is rickets treated?
Treatment depends on the type of rickets your child has. Nutritional rickets is treated with vitamin D and calcium, and often improvements occur within a few weeks of treatment. If your child has inherited rickets or has an illness causing the problem, you may need to see a doctor who specializes in rickets.

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